The best way to reach an informed decision on such an important investment as a home, is to have a professional survey and valuation of the property which interests you. Before you decide to go ahead and commit yourself legally, you can minimize the risks by asking a qualified surveyor to answer these questions for you:
• Is the agreed price reasonable?
• Are there drawbacks I don’t know about?
• If so, what do I need to do about them?
Commissioning your own survey is the simple, economical way to avoid unpleasant, and perhaps costly, surprises after moving in. In some cases, the surveyor’s report may enable you to re-negotiate the price.
Our qualified Chartered Surveyor, Roy C Firth BSc FRICS, offers three forms of survey:
A Building Survey
A building survey is suitable for all residential properties and provides a full picture of their construction and condition. It is likely to be needed if the property is for example of unusual construction, is dilapidated or has been extensively altered – or where a major conversion or renovation is planned. It is usually tailored to your individual requirements. The report includes extensive technical information on construction and materials, as well as details of the whole range of defects, major to minor.
The RICS HomeBuyer Report
By contrast, the HomeBuyer Report is in a standard format, and is designed specifically as an economy service. It therefore differs materially from a building survey in two major respects. Firstly, it is intended only for particular types of houses, flats and bungalows which are:
• Conventional in type and construction
• Apparently in reasonable condition
The HomeBuyer Report focuses on essentials: defects and problems which are serious or urgent and thus have an effect on the value of the property – although it also includes much other valuable information.
RICS Red Book Valuations
RICS Red Book Valuations are often required for official purposes, such as for probate, HMRC, shared ownership or other legal reasons. These valuations are always prepared in accordance with current RICS Professional Standards (The ‘Red Book’)
If you would like further details/prices of surveys available, please contact us.